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105 products found Showing 11-20 products.

Bharti Airtel (A)
India’s wireless giant Bharti Airtel (Airtel) exemplifies many of the tenets set forth in the book The New Age of Innovation by CK Prahalad and MS Krishnan. Divided into two…
Publication Date: 05/23/2011 Product ID: 1-428-834
Bharti Airtel (B)
This case study on India’s wireless giant Bharti Airtel (Airtel) is the second of two cases on the company that show how the firm exemplifies many of the tenets set…
Publication Date: 12/19/2011 Product ID: 1-428-864
Bilateral and Multilateral Organizations and Agreements
This conceptual note defines bilateral and multilateral organizations and discusses how each play important roles in global health and international development. The note also analyzes how the conceptual and structural…
Publication Date: 09/28/2017 Product ID: 6-548-356
BTPN A: Banking for the Bottom of the Pyramid in Indonesia
First Place Winner – 2013 NextBillion Case Writing Competition. BTPN is a mid-size bank in Indonesia with a successful business model that also creates positive social change (following its mission…
Publication Date: 04/01/2013 Product ID: 1-429-330
Building a Scalable Business with Small-Holder Farmers in Kenya: Honey Care’s Beekeeping Model
Madison Ayer, Honey Care Africa (HCA) CEO, is looking to scale the business to generate more benefits for Kenyan small-holder farmers. He is seeking a better assessment of HCA’s impacts…
Publication Date: 02/11/2013 Product ID: 1-429-313
Building a Sustainable Venture from the Ground Up: The Mountain Institute’s Earth Brick Machine
The Mountain Institute (TMI) works to improve environmental conditions and the quality of life for local communities in mountainous regions throughout the world. TMI is exploring options for its patented…
Publication Date: 11/01/2006 Product ID: 1-428-611
Building and Scaling a Cross-Sector Partnership: Oxfam and Swiss Re Empower Farmers in Ethiopia
Winner of the 2012 Oikos Foundation Casewriting Competition. Swiss Re, a large global reinsurance company, has partnered with Oxfam America, an international relief and development organization, to provide the poor…
Publication Date: 03/23/2012 Product ID: 1-429-185
CARE: Making Markets Work for the Poor
CARE is an international, humanitarian, non-governmental organization (NGO) composed of twelve member countries that manage field operations in over seventy countries offices around the world, reaching more than fifty million…
Publication Date: 11/06/2008 Product ID: 1-428-645
Casas Bahia: Fulfilling a Dream
In fifty years, Casas Bahia has grown from one man selling blankets and bed linens door-to-door to the largest retail chain in Brazil, offering electronics, appliances, and furniture. With its…
Publication Date: 12/01/2010 Product ID: 1-429-148
Catch a Falling STAR: Sustainable Financing for a BoP Hospital
Third Place Winner of the NextBillion 2011 Case Writing Competition STAR, a comprehensive mission hospital in India, is facing an impending decrease in donations, which currently comprise nearly 50% of…
Publication Date: 05/16/2011 Product ID: 1-429-173
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