Author Details

R. Ryan Nelson

Associate Dean Undergraduate Program; Director of Center for Management & Information Technology; University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce

Professor Nelson is active in the undergraduate, graduate, and executive education programs at the McIntire School of Commerce. He has served as the Director of the Center for the Management of Information Technology since its founding in 1991. Professor Nelson has published articles on project management, information and system quality, and IT human capital in a variety of academic and professional journals, including MIS Quarterly; MIS Quarterly Executive; Communications of the ACM; Journal of Management Information Systems; Information & Management; International Information Systems; Data Base; CIO; and Case Research Journal, among others. In addition, he edited a book titled End-User Computing: Concepts, Issues & Applications, published by John Wiley & Sons. Professor Nelson also serves as a reviewer for many professional journals and is a member of the editorial board for MIS Quarterly Executive. Before joining the McIntire School of Commerce, he served on the faculty of the University of Houston and worked for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Professor Nelson has served as a consultant to a number of organizations, including the Texas Air Corporation, Alere, CFA Institute, Home Federal Savings & Loan, and the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.


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R. Ryan Nelson has 2 products available, viewing 1-2.

BTPN B: Banking for the Bottom of the Pyramid in Indonesia
The BTPN B case finds protagonist Jerry Ng and his management team choosing all three of the strategic options mentioned in the A case, and carefully sequencing the options so…
Publication Date: 02/03/2015 Product ID: 1-429-409
BTPN A: Banking for the Bottom of the Pyramid in Indonesia
First Place Winner – 2013 NextBillion Case Writing Competition. BTPN is a mid-size bank in Indonesia with a successful business model that also creates positive social change (following its mission…
Publication Date: 04/01/2013 Product ID: 1-429-330