Search Results
126 products found Showing 1-10 products.
A Delicate Balance for Ruby Cup: Profitability and Sustainability at the Base of the Pyramid
Ruby Cup explores the challenges of creating marketing, pricing, sales, and distribution strategies based on the needs of those living in bottom of the pyramid (BoP) markets. Three entrepreneurs are…
Publication Date: 01/14/2015 Product ID: 1-429-400
A Note on the Toyota Production System
What is the Toyota Production System (TPS), and why do so many organizations study and put into practice the principles of the system?This note introduces business students to the TPS…
Publication Date: 09/24/2013 Product ID: 1-429-245
A Profile of Toyota’s Production System
What is the Toyota Production System, lean manufacturing, and Kaizen? Discussion of this profile leads the student through the process of understanding Toyota and its justifiably famous production system. The…
Publication Date: 01/28/2010 Product ID: 1-429-018
A Seller's Market: Leveraging Analytics to Predict Winning Bids for Bay Area Homes
Bruce, a Silicon Valley native, bought a duplex in Palo Alto, California in 2011 and it was a huge success. The property increased in value and the monthly rent skyrocketed…
Publication Date: 10/18/2017 Product ID: 7-917-031
A Taxonomy of Process Types
This note describes the spectrum of process types, focusing on two pure cases in detail, flow shops, and job shops. Specifically it describes characteristics, operations, and opportunities for competitive advantage,…
Publication Date: 05/24/2010 Product ID: 1-429-083
ABT Associates: Scaling Indoor Residual Spraying for Malaria Prevention in Africa
In the summer of 2011, Abt Associates was awarded a contract to implement indoor residual spraying (IRS) in up to 17 countries in sub-Saharan Africa based on successes the company…
Publication Date: 02/11/2013 Product ID: 1-429-272
African Solar Rise: Electrifying Rural Tanzania
1st Place Winner – 2014 NextBillion Case Writing Competition.
Daniel Uphaus—founder and CEO of African Solar Rise (ASR), a German NGO providing solar energy solutions in Tanzania—is faced with the…
Publication Date: 04/01/2014 Product ID: 1-429-384
Alexander & Thurston Inventory Management
The president and CEO of Alexander & Thurston has expressed the opinion that there is too much spare-parts inventory in the system. He believes that, through better inventory management, inventory…
Publication Date: 11/16/2012 Product ID: 1-429-293
Anticipating Changes to African Supply Chains as a Result of COVID-19: The Case of Senegal
Amadou Sene, director of the Supply Chain Management Center of Excellence at the African Institute of Management (IAM), had recently started a supply chain advising group in Senegal. Formal training…
Publication Date: 09/30/2020 Product ID: 5-322-306
Autoprime Corporation
The case describes the frustrating experiences of Alice Reinhart who is hired by Autoprime as a production foreman to help their Ohio manufacturing plant transition to Just-in-Time (JIT) production. More…
Publication Date: 12/03/2010 Product ID: 1-429-131