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25 products found Showing 1-10 products.

“The House on Elm Street” Exercise: Essential Negotiation Strategies and Skills
Success in business transactions and personal relationships requires an understanding of negotiation. This role-playing exercise, “The House on Elm Street”, provides an introduction to essential negotiation strategies and skills. The exercise involves…
Publication Date: 10/30/2018 Product ID: 8-658-192
Abadilla Contract Growing A Life With So Many Chicks
Marc’s father has entrusted him with the care of the family’s contract growing poultry business. Business was good for the first few years but for the past six growing seasons…
Publication Date: 08/23/2016 Product ID: 1-004-400
Augusta Richards Responding to Plagiarism (A)
This is an ethics case about a dilemma facing Augusta Richards, professor of business at the Boston University School of Management. She has been informed by an international colleague in…
Publication Date: 04/23/2010 Product ID: 1-429-044
Augusta Richards Responding to Plagiarism (B)
This is the second part of the three-part case, Augusta Richards: Responding to Plagiarism. Richards has made the first step toward rectifying the plagiarism of her work, and part (B)…
Publication Date: 04/23/2010 Product ID: 1-429-045
Augusta Richards Responding to Plagiarism (C)
This is the third part of the three-part case, Augusta Richards: Responding to Plagiarism. In part (C), Richards has made the second step toward rectifying the plagiarism of her work.…
Publication Date: 04/23/2010 Product ID: 1-429-046
Bilateral and Multilateral Organizations and Agreements
This conceptual note defines bilateral and multilateral organizations and discusses how each play important roles in global health and international development. The note also analyzes how the conceptual and structural…
Publication Date: 09/28/2017 Product ID: 6-548-356
BP and the Whiting Refinery: Beyond Petroleum (A)
This case describes the situation facing BP America’s President Bob Malone in late 2007, while attempting to expand the refining capacity at their Whiting, Indiana plant. They had followed all…
Publication Date: 12/05/2008 Product ID: 1-428-727
BP and the Whiting Refinery: Beyond Petroleum (B)
This mini-case is a follow-up to the BP and the Whiting Refinery Case (A), which describes the situation facing BP America’s President Bob Malone in late 2007, while attempting to…
Publication Date: 12/05/2008 Product ID: 1-428-736
Buyer/Seller Exchange Relationship
This case introduces students to the different market-making mechanisms. It distinguishes the ways in which buyers and sellers interact (posted price, negotiation, horizontal interaction), provides daily examples of each kind,…
Publication Date: 12/17/2009 Product ID: 1-428-995
CityMall: Promoting Patronage Among Locals
CityMall Tetuan is a newly established mall in Zamboanga City. The mall had a promising start but is now seeing a decline in customers coming to the mall, particularly in…
Publication Date: 03/10/2017 Product ID: 1-007-600
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