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43 products found Showing 11-20 products.

Cross Border Valuation Exercise (A)
This quiz accompanies the conceptual note, Cross-Border Project Valuation. It is designed to help students strengthen their ability in calculating project discount rates, selecting the right currency, and analyzing project…
Publication Date: 05/27/2009 Product ID: 1-428-663
Cryptocurrencies: Investment, Money, or Gamble? (A)
This two-part case series (A and B) puts students into the role of Juan Perez, an investment analyst who works for Suprabanco, a fictional multilateral lending institution headquartered in Bogotá,…
Publication Date: 10/07/2019 Product ID: 3-229-119
Cryptocurrencies: Investment, Money, or Gamble? (B)
This two-part case series (A and B) puts students into the role of Juan Perez, an investment analyst who works for Suprabanco, a fictional multilateral lending institution headquartered in Bogotá,…
Publication Date: 10/07/2019 Product ID: 6-682-173
Dadiangas General Hospital: A Strategic Approach to Scaling Greater Heights
In this strategic planning case, Fernando Viloria, administrator for Dadiangas General Hospital, faces a situation common in family-owned businesses. The patriarch and chairman of the company wants to embark on…
Publication Date: 03/10/2017 Product ID: 1-008-000
Ending the Woes of Short-Termism: The Long-Term Stock Exchange
Eric Ries, one of the most prominent entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley, is launching the Long-Term Stock Exchange (LTSE), a new stock exchange for companies and investors that want to focus…
Publication Date: 04/21/2017 Product ID: 1-430-504
Equilibrium Capital Group: Investing in Energy Efficiency
Venture capitalists Bill Campbell and Kipp Baratoff have a decision to make. They can either invest their hard-earned capital in one of two existing energy efficiency (EE) companies or create…
Publication Date: 07/15/2011 Product ID: 1-429-106
Financial Impacts of Climate Change: Invest or Not?
This case involves quantifying emissions, their impact, and applying the social cost of carbon to complete a comparative financial valuation for a fictional startup, VerticalFarm Co. (VFC). VerticalFarm Co. sites,…
Publication Date: 10/31/2023 Product ID: 8-842-679
From Free Lunch to Black Hole: Credit Default Swaps at AIG
It is July of 2007 and Alan Frost, executive vice president for AIG Financial Products (AIGFP) has just received a heads up on a margin call from Goldman Sachs. The…
Publication Date: 08/06/2015 Product ID: 1-430-441
Fundraising and Fund Structures: How Habitat for Humanity Considers Venture Capital Tools to Pursue its Charitable Missi…
The impact investing industry seeks to create a positive impact beyond financial returns. Nonprofits like Habitat for Humanity (Habitat), an organization involved in return-seeking investments alongside its charitable donation-based operations,…
Publication Date: 08/11/2021 Product ID: 7-735-415
Goldman Sachs B: Determining the Potential of Social Impact Bonds
Partnering with Bloomberg Philanthropies, MDRC, the Vera Institute of Justice, and the New York State Department of Corrections, Goldman decided to go ahead with the social impact bond (SIB) project…
Publication Date: 02/14/2014 Product ID: 1-429-379
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