Equilibrium Capital Group: Investing in Energy Efficiency

by: Tom Lyon

Publication Date: July 15, 2011
Length: 48 pages
Product ID#: 1-429-106

Core Disciplines: Accounting/Finance, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Strategy & Management, Sustainability

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Venture capitalists Bill Campbell and Kipp Baratoff have a decision to make. They can either invest their hard-earned capital in one of two existing energy efficiency (EE) companies or create their own company that tackles EE market barriers in a novel way. Bill and Kipp must understand how EE companies operate and discover the nuances of the EE market to make their joint decision. This case explores tactics used by three EE companies to overcome market barriers and capture the tremendous financial potential of the energy efficient market.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Explain the market potential of the EE industry.
  • Analyze the market barriers that face the EE industry, focusing on the challenge of obtaining financing for EE improvements.
  • Describe how each EE company uses financial and organizational strategy to overcome these market barriers.