Author Details
Antonio Candia
Head Portfolio Manager; Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR)
Antonio Candia is Head Portfolio Manager at the Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR). In this role, he manages sovereign fixed income portfolios. Prior joining FLAR, he held senior risk analyst positions at the Central Bank of Bolivia. Candia is a Certified Financial Risk Manager and is a member of the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). He holds an EMBA from Temple University and an engineering degree from the Military School of Engineering “Mcal. Antonio José de Sucre” in Bolivia.
Antonio Candia has 2 products available, viewing 1-2.
Cryptocurrencies: Investment, Money, or Gamble? (A)
This two-part case series (A and B) puts students into the role of Juan Perez, an investment analyst who works for Suprabanco, a fictional multilateral lending institution headquartered in Bogotá,…
Publication Date: 10/07/2019 Product ID: 3-229-119
Cryptocurrencies: Investment, Money, or Gamble? (B)
This two-part case series (A and B) puts students into the role of Juan Perez, an investment analyst who works for Suprabanco, a fictional multilateral lending institution headquartered in Bogotá,…
Publication Date: 10/07/2019 Product ID: 6-682-173