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21 products found Showing 11-20 products.

From Pilot to Platform in Rural Pakistan: A Uniquely-Owned Company Scales to Change Lives
This case describes the journey that led to the creation of Saaf Sehatmand Services (SSS), a business founded by leaders from five consumer goods companies and the largest non-profit grassroots…
Publication Date: 02/03/2023 Product ID: 3-202-248
Global Seeds to Village Farmers: Hearing the Voices at the BoP
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., the hybrid corn company division of Dupont, has engaged with PEACE (People’s Action for Creative Education) to serve the base of the pyramid markets in India.…
Publication Date: 12/12/2008 Product ID: 1-428-612
Hindustan Lever at the Base of the Pyramid: Growth for the 21st Century
Hindustan Lever Limited, principally owned by Unilever, operates Shakti, a program which aims to extend the reach of HLL’s products to the 742 million rural consumers in 637,000 villages in…
Publication Date: 11/09/2008 Product ID: 1-428-604
Movirtu’s Cloud Phone Service: Funding a Base-of-the-Pyramid Venture
Who are the right investors for a for-profit company targeting the world’s poor? Before this start-up spends hundreds of hours pursuing venture capital (VC), Movirtu must decide whether a profit-oriented…
Publication Date: 01/05/2012 Product ID: 1-429-162
Note on the Role of Subsidies in a Market Economy
A review of the topic of subsidies yields a wide range of perspectives. Many economists believe that subsidies, when used appropriately, are helpful because they can encourage market development and…
Publication Date: 02/01/2009 Product ID: 1-428-648
Subsidies in Base-of-the-Pyramid Venture Development
Though there is limited literature on the role of subsidies in venture development targeting the poor in the developing world, there are many examples of ventures incorporating subsidies in their…
Publication Date: 01/15/2009 Product ID: 1-428-767
Targeting Malaria: Comparing Charity and Social Marketing-Based Approaches
In Africa, the usage of insecticide treated bed-nets (ITNs) has shown to be one of the best ways to prevent malaria. USAID, the principal U.S. agency for providing assistance to…
Publication Date: 07/26/2008 Product ID: 1-428-642
Unilever Ethiopia’s Shakti Initiative: Building a Rural Sales Channel
In 2017, Tim Kleinebenne, managing director of Unilever Ethiopia, and Buks Akinseye, senior global sustainability manager in Unilever’s Rotterdam headquarters, had collaborated to develop and launch a Shakti initiative, creating…
Publication Date: 04/20/2022 Product ID: 2-870-142
VisionSpring: A Lens for Growth at the Base of the Pyramid
Awarded 1st place in the 2008 oikos Casewriting Competition VisionSpring sells affordable reading glasses to the poor at the base of the pyramid through Vision Entrepreneurs and, more recently, through…
Publication Date: 04/18/2008 Product ID: 1-428-610
Walmart and Small Producers from the Developing World: Linking Demand with Supply
This case explores Walmart’s experience in incorporating small producers (women-owned or women-empowering artisan enterprises, and smallholder farmers) into its global supply chains. The case is written from the perspective of…
Publication Date: 03/08/2017 Product ID: 1-430-502
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