Nova Post: Expanding Horizons Amid War in Ukraine

by: Alexander Mertens, Paul Clyde, Marianne Jahre

Publication Date: May 10, 2024
Length: 16 pages
Product ID#: 8-038-582

Core Disciplines: International Business, Leadership/Organizational Behavior, Strategy & Management

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This case examines Nova Post’s strategic response to the challenges posed by the Russian full-scale military invasion into Ukraine in 2022, focusing on its expansion into the European market. As Ukraine’s leading postal and express delivery service, Nova Post faced a dramatic decline in business at the onset of the war, prompting a reassessment of its operational and strategic direction. The case explores the company’s journey from its inception as a small startup to becoming a national logistics giant, and its pivot during the crisis to adapt and explore new markets.

Students are challenged to analyze the organizational issues surrounding expanding to other countries and strategies for doing so.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Distinguish between organizational changes needed to enter a new market and those needed to service the company’s existing customer base.
  • Formulate different options available to a firm as it expands geographically and adapts to a new customer base.
  • Outline the costs and benefits of each expansion option.