Globalization has significantly changed the environment for doing business. However, despite the decreasing importance of borders, individuals and communities are increasingly embracing their distinctive and unique cultures. This note gives students the baseline for developing cultural intelligence. It presents the forces that are changing the meaning and importance of culture in business, and describes leading cultural theories that are relevant for managers. It is a key piece for any world economy or international business course.
Note on Strategies and Tools for Developing Cultural Intelligence: Bridging in a Globalizing World
by: Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, John Branch
Publication Date: October 1, 2008
Length: 9 pages
Product ID#: 1-428-583
Core Disciplines: International Business, Leadership/Organizational Behavior
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Teaching Objectives
After reading and discussing the material, students should:
- describe appropriate business terms and principles approriate to this case,
- apply critical concepts from earlier learning to define a solution to the case,
- discuss a baseline for developing cultural intelligence,
- identify the forces that are changing the meaning and importance of culture in business,
- describe leading cultural theories that are relevant for managers.