Leadership Crisis Challenge: STAR Global Beverages & the AquaStar Crisis

by: Susan Ashford

Publication Date: January 15, 2015
Length: 80 pages
Product ID#: 1-429-410

Core Disciplines: Communications, Leadership/Organizational Behavior, Strategy & Management

Partner Collection:

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The 2015 Leadership Crisis Challenge places teams of students into roles as members of an emergency response team for Aquastar International, a beverage conglomerate that is experiencing and may have contributed to a localized ecological disaster at one of their bottling plants. The LCC simulates a real-life business environment, where student teams must use all available information to create solutions with budgetary, brand image, environmental, and social implications while being held accountable by both Aquastar’s Board of Directors and the public at large.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Student teams must make difficult decisions with unseen ramifications based upon evolving and changing information from multiple sources.
  • Students must weigh the conflicting needs of multiple stakeholders and make decisions that may not universally benefit every stakeholder.
  • Students will be required to justify their management decisions to stakeholders.
  • Student teams must demonstrate leadership, cooperation, and poise in a high-pressure environment.