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Scott DeRue

Edward J. Frey Dean; University of Michigan's Ross School of Business

Scott DeRue is the Edward J. Frey Dean of the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. He is also the Stephen M. Ross Professor of Business.

DeRue joined Michigan Ross in 2007, taking on multiple leadership roles across the school over time. Prior to his deanship, DeRue served as the associate dean for Executive Education, professor of management, director of the Sanger Leadership Center, and faculty director of the Emerging Leaders Program.

Scott has been reported to be among the 50 most influential business professors in the world, and among the top 40 business professors under the age of 40. He conducts research and teaches in the areas of leadership, team performance, and human resource management. His most recent book, Experience-driven Leader Development, uncovers best practices for developing leadership talent at all levels of organizations. His award-winning research has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management ReviewAcademy of Management JournalJournal of Applied PsychologyOrganization ScienceOrganizational Behavior & Human Decision ProcessesPersonnel PsychologyResearch in Organizational BehaviorLeadership Quarterly, and the Human Resource Management Journal. Scott is a frequent speaker for companies and organizations throughout the world, and is often featured in media outlets ranging from BusinessWeekHarvard Business Review, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. He is also the Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology, a leading journal for research on psychology and human behavior at work.

Drawing upon his research expertise, Scott is often sought out to advise organizations on issues related to leadership, change management, team development, executive selection and succession, and human resource management. His clients span five continents and include Fortune 100 companies, startup enterprises, championshipwinning sports teams, and non-profit organizations. Scott is also a managing partner at ChiBor Angels, an angel investment firm.

Prior to joining the University of Michigan faculty, Scott served in leadership positions at the Monitor Group (now Monitor Deloitte) and Hinckley Yacht Company. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and his PhD. in Management at Michigan State University.


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Leadership Crisis Challenge: Polaris Cruise Lines
Polaris Cruise Lines, a subsidiary of Constellation Cargo, Inc. — a global freight, travel, and hospitality company generating $25 billion in annual revenue — faces an ecological challenge with financial…
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Friction and Frustration at TMG, Inc.: Leading and Motivating Teams
TMG has a very common problem. Its employees are experiencing a serious breakdown in motivation. Team members feel they work harder than anyone else, but are faced with scathing performance…
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