Good Capital: Emergence of the Social Capital Market

by: Gautam Kaul, Lauren Foukes Shaughnessy

Publication Date: May 16, 2011
Length: 13 pages
Product ID#: 1-429-172

Core Disciplines: Accounting/Finance, Base of the Pyramid, Strategy & Management, Sustainability

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Fourth Place Winner of the NextBillion 2011 Case Writing Competition Kevin Jones, cofounder of social investment firm Good Capital, is considering possible expansion strategies for Good Capital. He has three main options: raising a second fund, expanding their SOCAP conference to help develop the impact investing industry, and increasing the reach of The Hub, work places for social entrepreneurs. He also wonders whether Good Capital should broaden its scope to include the international market. In making his decision, Jones decides to estimate the profitability and social return of all three expansion strategies, as well as the qualitative pros and cons of each.