Author Details

William Lovejoy
Raymond T. J. Perring Family Professor of Business Administration; Professor of Technology & Operations; University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business
Professor William S. Lovejoy is the Raymond T. Perring Family Professor of Business Administration, Professor of Technology and Operations in the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, and holds a joint appointment in the School of Art and Design. Professor Lovejoy received his B.S. in Industrial Engineering and M.E. in Nuclear Engineering from Cornell University, and a Ph.D in Operations Research from the University of Delaware. He has worked in the private and public sectors (for General Electric and the National Marine Fisheries Service), and since starting his academic career he has been on the business school faculties at Georgia Tech, Stanford University and now the University of Michigan. Professor Lovejoy has worked with companies on new product development, the management of innovation, and process assessment and improvement; and with hospitals and clinics on health care operations. He has taught courses at all levels from bachelors to Ph.D. and Executives, and his new product development course (which he teaches jointly with the College of Engineering and the School of Art and Design) has enjoyed coverage by CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Businessweek. He is currently the faculty co-director for the University of Michigan’s Master of Entrepreneurship degree.
His past editorial activities include Department Editor for the Operations and Supply Chains department of the academic journal Management Science, and Senior Editor for Manufacturing and Services Operations Management.