Domino's Pizza: Digital Transformation in the Pizza Industry

by: M.S. Krishnan

Publication Date: May 29, 2024
Length: 20 pages
Product ID#: 5-757-783

Core Disciplines: Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Information - Technology & Management

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This case is an instructional tool illustrating how innovation can transform a business in the areas of customer relationship management, technology, and operations. Strong business performance by Domino’s connects with the company’s many technological innovations and an effective customer-centric prioritization within the company. Domino’s innovations included changing the structure of its operations and introducing Pizza Tracker, a web-based application that allowed consumers (and management) to track where every pizza was at each stage of the process. New transparency even went as far as providing the names of employees working on each pizza. Domino’s countered employees’ unease about privacy by providing incentives. Overall, the company transformed into a retail leader not only in the pizza-making and delivery field but also in the technology sector.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Identify the challenges associated with fast food operations in the pizza category.
  • Explore the critical success factors in the pizza delivery business, and how a company like Domino’s can attain these factors.
  • Analyze how Domino’s used technology and innovation to improve efficiency, quality, customer and employee relations.
  • Explore how Domino’s change management process was implemented to increase transparency into all employees’ actions and enabled a positive culture within the organization.