Author Details

Silvia Cacho-Elizondo

Marketing Professor; Deputy Academic Professor; IPADE Business School - México

Dr. Silvia Cacho-Elizondo is Assistant Professor of Marketing and Associate Academic Director at the IPADE Business School in México. Prior to that, she was Professor-Researcher at the European Business School (EBS Paris) and at the Institut Supérieur de Commerce (ISC Paris) and lecturer at HEC Paris. She has been lecturer and guest lecturer in several business schools in France, Spain and Mexico.

Dr. Cacho-Elizondo started her professional career as a Research and Commercial Engineer at the Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas (I.I.E.) and as a Marketing Professor at the ITESM Campus Morelos. She has also gained professional experience working for Procter & Gamble and collaborating with e-Medicis, a French start-up specialized in mobile health services.

Dr. Cacho-Elizondo earned her PhD in Management with a major in Marketing at Groupe HEC (France) with her thesis: The impact of online services on the consumer-brand relationship”. She holds a M.Sc. in Marketing & Strategy (Université Paris-IX Dauphine, France), an MBA (IPADE Business School, México), a M.Sc. in Management of Technology (Sussex University, United Kingdom) and a bachelor degree in Electronic Systems Engineering (ITESM Campus Monterrey, Mexico).

Dr. Cacho-Elizondo´s research interests include: Consumer Behaviour, Brand Relationships, CRM, Innovation Adoption, Management of Technology, Online & Mobile Services and Corporate Social Responsibility. Her research has appeared in journals such as: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Health Marketing Quarterly. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, ISTMO, and International Business Research Journal among others. She is a member of the AFM (Association Française de Marketing), the EMAC (European Marketing Association) and the ACR (Association for Consumer Research).



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Silvia Cacho-Elizondo has 2 products available, viewing 1-2.

Genesis of a Green Brand in the Mayan Rainforest (Spanish)
Un consultor para el consorcio maya de agricultores de chicle disponía de tan solo tres meses para preparar el lanzamiento de la primera goma de mascar orgánica biodegradable en BIOFach,…
Publication Date: 09/11/2017 Product ID: 6-741-962
Genesis of a Green Brand in the Mayan Rainforest
3rd Place Winner – 2014 NextBillion Case Writing Competition. A consultant to the Mayan gum growers consortium has only three months to prepare the launch of the first organic biodegradable…
Publication Date: 04/01/2014 Product ID: 1-429-386