Author Details

Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez
Professor of Management; Universidad EAFIT - Medillin, Columbia
Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (PhD, MBS, Psy) is Full Professor of Management at Universidad EAFIT (Colombia). Maria-Alejandra is the coordinator of the Colombian universities in the virtual institute of the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Distinguished Fellow of the Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats; and Editor-in-Chief of the business journal AD-minister. Dr. Gonzalez-Perez holds a PhD in International Business and Corporate Social Responsibility (International Business), and a Master’s degree in Business Studies in Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management from the National University of Ireland, Galway. She also did postdoctoral research at the Community Knowledge Initiative (CKI) in NUI Galway. Prof. Gonzalez-Perez is the past Head of the Department of International Business (2009-2013) and former Director of the International Studies Research Group (2008-2013) at Universidad EAFIT (Colombia). Prior to her positions in Colombia, she worked as a researcher in various organisations such as the Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC), Irish Chambers of Commerce, and the Economics of Social Policy Research Unit (ESPRU) in Ireland. Dr. Gonzalez-Perez has published books, several academic papers and book chapters in the areas of internationalisation, corporate social responsibility and international migration. She is a regular contributor to Latin American business media. Her research results have been presented in over 50 international academic conferences in all the continents. Also, she was trained as a Clinical Psychologist at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) in Colombia. Maria-Alejandra has lived, studied or worked in the UK, USA, Ireland, France, Spain, and Colombia, and has travelled as a tourist to over 40 countries.