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Author Details
Aniruddh Fatehpuria
Student; Rollins College
Aniruddh Fatehpuria is an undergraduate student of International Business and Economics at Rollins College. He is part of Rollins’ Student Government Association as a freshman and sophomore Senator, part of the President’s List for academic excellence, and currently acts as treasurer of 5 on-campus organizations. He also works at the Rollins College International Business Department as a student assistant, and works closely with Dr. Ilan Alon.
He is also the co-author of 2014 Orlando Foreign Direct Investment Study: 303 companies in almost 800 locations across the seven-county area.
Aniruddh Fatehpuria has 1 products available, viewing 1-1.
Brand You: Marketing Yourself for Success Globally
In this exercise students develop a personal marketing plan to promote their individual international business agendas. This is an eight-part process that involves the creation of a mission statement, summary…
Publication Date: 04/17/2014 Product ID: 1-429-392