Brand Extension through Innovation: Sound Agriculture Sustainably Grows the Greens

by: Michael Metzger, Cristina Eckhoff

Publication Date: September 14, 2023
Length: 20 pages
Product ID#: 1-024-750

Core Disciplines: Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Information - Technology & Management, Marketing/Sales, Strategy & Management, Sustainability

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This case follows the decision-making process of Erik Wolfe, senior product marketing manager at Sound Agriculture, an agriculture technology company, to develop a go-to-market strategy for a new product.

Founded in 2013 and financed through venture capital, Sound Agriculture was generating revenue by 2020 thanks to the success of its flagship product, the foliar spray SOURCE. It is now April 2022 and Sound Agriculture needs to quickly explore options for continuous revenue growth to hedge against a potentially slower venture capital investment pace.

An initial feasibility study identified a viable opportunity in entering the turfgrass market with a SOURCE-inspired derivative product. The study suggested that a 5% share of the golf course market was obtainable within five years. Wolfe has a timeline and high-level strategy but faces many challenges including: Defining the target market and developing a product name, logo and packaging; projecting future financial scenarios based on assumptions; aligning Sound Agriculture’s sustainability mission with the golf course market.

Students will use a supplemental MS Excel worksheet (that accompanies the case) to guide them in preparing and analyzing financial data to support their marketing strategy decisions.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Complete customer analysis and identify alternative target markets. Develop B2B2C-branded name, logo, and packaging for a new product.
  • Recognize the importance of early adopters and fashioning a strategy to find them.
  • Examine the characteristics of early adopters and select target market.
  • Apply individual as well as joint price building frameworks.
  • Apply fundamental financial calculations and terminology to formulate go-to-market strategy.
  • Evaluate tactical as well as high-level strategic decisions.
  • Develop a holistic approach to marketing strategy formation and execution.