Flores del Este (B): A Costa Rican Florist Blooms with Online Data

by: Michael Metzger

Publication Date: May 8, 2020
Length: 8 pages
Product ID#: 5-328-266

Core Disciplines: International Business, Marketing/Sales

Partner Collection:

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In 2006, Lorena and Victor Hugo Delgado—owners of Flores del Este, a small flower shop in Costa Rica—launched their first website with assistance from web development company, MiWeb. After six years the Delgados were enjoying a nice return on their investment but now wanted to better understand their online performance data and customers. They were especially curious why 50% of their online orders were coming from overseas.

The case provides students the opportunity to review the enormous amount of data Google Analytics generates, how marketing concepts applied to a physical store play out online, and how some basic marketing strategies and tactics are dramatically changed in the online world.

This case accompanies Flores del Este (A): A Costa Rican Florist Considers Online Opportunities (WDI # 3179807).



Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Understand the difference between cost per click (CPC) and cost per impression (CPI) online advertising models.
  • Analyze return on marketing investment (ROMI) for an online presence.
  • Evaluate and interpret Google Analytics data to develop a strategic online advertising campaign.