Brand Anthropomorphism and Personification: Designing Brand Mascots

by: Michael Metzger

Publication Date: July 11, 2024
Length: 24 pages
Product ID#: 3-824-448

Core Disciplines: Marketing/Sales

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This conceptual note presents examples of brand symbols and mascots that have proven effective at enhancing branding recognition, recall, and meaningful differentiation. The note touches on academic disciplines that provide foundational knowledge for understanding the meaning and use of such brand symbols in the commercial realm and their importance to social groups or, in business parlance, consumer segments. Throughout the note, examples are provided of how brand symbols embody abstract concepts through carefully crafted, tangible, relatable characters and mascots.

The personification examples of the brands demonstrate how customers develop an emotional and even personal connection with a brand, thereby enhancing the brand image, distinctiveness, attractiveness, and loyalty on the part of the consumer.