Author Details
Cindy A. Schipani
Merwin H. Waterman Collegiate Professor of Business Administration; University of Michigan's Ross School of Business
Cindy A. Schipani is the Merwin H. Waterman Collegiate Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Business Law at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. She received her J.D. from the University of Chicago School of Law. She has held visiting appointments at law and business schools throughout Europe, Asia, and Australia. Professor Schipani currently teaches business law topics, including corporate governance, legal aspects of entrepreneurship, law of business organizations, and cross-cultural negotiations, in graduate and undergraduate programs at the Ross School of Business.
Professor Schipani’s primary research interests are in corporate governance, with a focus on the relationship among directors, officers, shareholders and other stakeholders and pathways for women to obtain positions of organizational leadership. Her research includes consideration of specific issues confronting women in corporate governance, analysis of the corporate fiduciary duties of care and loyalty and the role of independent directors. In addition, her work includes the role of business in attaining sustainable peace.
Professor Schipani has published over 40 journal articles and a book and has received numerous awards, including the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Distinguished Career Achievement Award, the Ross School of Business Senior Faculty Award Research for Excellence, and the University of Michigan Outstanding Mentor Award, among others. She is frequently invited to present her research nationally and internationally. She has also served as an expert witness in several cases involving issues of corporate governance and is often quoted in the press.