Strategic Marketing for Roofloor Enterprises Corporation Building a Framework for the Future

by: Raquel Laquiores

Publication Date: December 12, 2014
Length: 13 pages
Product ID#: 1-000-100

Core Disciplines: No core disciplines for this product

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The construction industry in the Philippines is booming. Roofloor Enterprises Corporation capitalized on the industry’s expansion recently and now must carve out market share. As its market share and brand awareness grows, Roofloor Enterprises must develop a marketing strategy for the future and consider the strengths and capabilities of its team to successfully implement these strategies. Students will be able to perform a market analysis of the Filipino construction industry as well as identify how Roofloor Enterprises should go about developing a marketing strategy.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Identify the components of internal and external stimuli that influence managerial strategy
  • Articulate a marketing strategy for the Filipino construction industry
  • Reflect on managerial strategies to apply to Roofloor Enterprises future marketing strategy