Martin Burt: A Conversation with a Social Entrepreneur

by: Paul Godfrey

Publication Date: December 2, 2011
Length: 14 pages
Product ID#: 1-429-214

Core Disciplines: Base of the Pyramid, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Strategy & Management

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This case provides students with an in-depth interview with Martin Burt, social entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of Fundacion Paraguaya. The case should be used in conjunction with the Fundacion Paraguaya case series. The case makes a great follow-on discussion to Fundacion Paraguaya (A): The San Francisco School or a conclusion to the three case series. It also makes an excellent summary case for a course, or a course module on social entrepreneurship, as it allows the students the opportunity to use Martin’s history, style, and philosophy as a mirror to investigate their own history, style, and emerging vision.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Explain the historical influences, administrative style, vision, and personality of a successful social entrepreneur.
  • Compare Martin Burt’s style with existing models of leadership and executive action.
  • Analyze their own ideas, motivations (historical and current), visions, and talents in social innovation and entrepreneurship.