Manok Mabuhay Dressed or Undressed?

by: Glenn Baticados

Publication Date: December 12, 2014
Length: 11 pages
Product ID#: 1-001-600

Core Disciplines: Marketing/Sales, Operations Management/Supply Chain, Strategy & Management

Partner Collection:

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Manok Mabuhay Project Manager Glenn Baticados has a choice to make — to continue to harvest for both the dressed and undressed chicken markets or to harvest for the dressed chicken market only. If the backyard chicken growing arrangement moves toward harvesting for the dressed chicken market only, operational difficulties for the live sales market could be avoided. But this decision entails the use of live bird crates, which are very expensive, and Baticados does not know what impact this cost will have on the project’s finances. Students are asked to assess the roles farmers, non-governmental organizations, and corporate partners play in the growing and harvesting processes as well as the financial implications of buying the chicken crates using cash flow analysis inclusive of both quantitative and qualitative data.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Recognize the importance of the roles farmers, non-governmental organizations, and corporate partners play during the growing cycle and at harvest time.
  • Compare and contrast the operations of harvesting for live sales and for the dressed chicken market.
  • Compare and contrast the costs and benefits of buying versus not buying chicken crates.