Hellfire Charred Lives and the Burning Resolve of the Kentex Tragedy

by: Liberty I. Nolasco

Publication Date: December 4, 2015
Length: 19 pages
Product ID#: 1-003-600

Core Disciplines: No core disciplines for this product

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In the aftermath of a flip flop factory fire in the Philippines that killed 72, injured dozens and left a dozen more missing, Kentex Operations Manager Terrence Ong is lying in his hospital bed with third degree burns, wondering what he can do to solve the crisis. Among the dead was his son. Ong stood at a crossroads. A good decision would move Kentex toward a viable future. But a wrong move would damage the reputation, morale, and trust of the affected parties.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Explain the concept of ladder of inference in the process of issue construction.
  • Identify the ethical challenges executives faced in this specific crisis.
  • Develop awareness on how the ladder of inference can govern the cycle of observation, reaction, judgment, and intervention (ORJI).
  • Reflect on the underlying factors that accounted for one’s adoption of the ladder of inference in this case.
  • Compare the issues constructed individually and collectively.