Grand Xing Imperial Hotel: Seeking Sales Romance for the Love Month

by: Relanie Jean Eleaña

Publication Date: March 10, 2017
Length: 9 pages
Product ID#: 1-008-300

Core Disciplines: Communications, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Marketing/Sales

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The Grand Xing Imperial Hotel is one of four hotels in the Grand Hotels chain in Iloilo City, the Philippines.  Each hotel has a distinctive style and clientele. Mr. Shem Ganzon, Special Assistant to the General Manager of Grand Xing, must devise a marketing strategy for the hotel to increase sales and profitability, but without negatively competing with the affiliate hotels. Students learn about the hotel’s operations, four revenue centers, staff and challenges as they propose a suitable new marketing strategy for the hotel.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Create a marketing strategy to attract specific customer groups.
  • Assess whether the marketing strategy is customer-, product- or selling-oriented.
  • Determine which marketing concept works best in a hospitality organization.
  • Know the difference in marketing and managing customer expectations in a service oriented industry compared to other industries.
  • Critique marketing strategies provided by peers.
  • Judge which marketing strategy is most beneficial to the organization and its stakeholders.