Fishing for the Future: Education for Sustainable Development

by: Bernabe M. Mijares Jr.

Publication Date: December 4, 2015
Length: 5 pages
Product ID#: 1-004-100

Core Disciplines: No core disciplines for this product

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Julius is a principal of a school on Bilangbilangan Island, Philippines and is concerned about illegal fishing activity around the island, specifically dynamite fishing. The Danajon Double Barrier Reef also known as “The Danajon Bank,” is just a 15-minute distance by motorized boat from the island and illegal fishing takes place in the area, which is rich with biodiversity. With each catch, the fishermen must increase their dynamite load to continue to extract the same amount of fish. When warned, they stop for a while, but soon resume their activities. To stop the practice Julius is thinking of teaching the locals about sustainable development when an interesting plot twist occurs.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Identify one’s role and responsibility to the community and to the environment.
  • Recognize the significance of the interplay of the economy, society, and the environment for sustainable development.
  • Suggest development measures that mutually promote the economic, social, and environmental factors of the community.
  • Explain the concepts of sustainable development and education for sustainable development.