Fire in July: Project Scheduling at RESMERL Garment Subcon Services

by: Ma. Elena Estebal

Publication Date: March 10, 2017
Length: 15 pages
Product ID#: 1-008-100

Core Disciplines: Operations Management/Supply Chain, Strategy & Management

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Merlina Natividad, owner of RESMERL Garment Subcon Services, has the chance to take on new job orders. But can she fulfill them while still meeting all her other deadlines?  Each job order requires nine activities, some of which are dependent on earlier activities before they can be started. Natividad must determine the total time to complete the new project and the right sequence to avoid delays.  Students use project management techniques – such as Gantt Charts, CPM/PERT, etc. – to help Natividad schedule RESMERL’s job activities.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Describe the role and application of PERT/CPM for project scheduling.
  • Define a project in terms of activities such that a network representation can be developed.
  • Use project management techniques such as Gantt Charts, CPM/PERT network planning, resource leveling, and software tools to plan, schedule, monitor and control project activities.
  • Write a managerial report that presents the activity schedule and expected project completion time for the new job.