Ecotourism The Boon or Bane for a Marine Sanctuary

by: Ruth Guzman

Publication Date: December 12, 2014
Length: 19 pages
Product ID#: 1-000-400

Core Disciplines: No core disciplines for this product

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Gilutongan Island has been struck with poverty for decades. Within the past several decades, Island dwellers have made efforts toward conserving and protecting their natural resources. The Gilutongan Marine Sanctuary was designated as a method to not only protect coral reefs, fish populations, and seagrass beds near the Island, but to provide incentive for tourists to visit the Island. Increased tourism has helped impoverished residents gain income from the ecotourism venture, but can the environment sustain the increasing demand for its natural resources? Students will gain comprehension on how a marine sanctuary can positively and negatively affect the environment, as well as identify the sustainability of operations with current business policies and procedures.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Identify factors that benefit marine sanctuaries for longevity
  • Prepare methods to further elevate the impoverished on Gilutongan Island
  • Develop environment mitigation strategies for the negative effects of ecotourism
  • Determine if the pros and cons of ecotoursim at Gilutongan Island are worth the continued efforts to develop ecotourism