Food Security: Business Models in the United States and India

by: Aradhna Krishna, Dana Muir

Publication Date: June 15, 2017
Length: 16 pages
Product ID#: 7-224-541

Core Disciplines: Ethics, International Business, Leadership/Organizational Behavior, Social Impact, Strategy & Management

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This three-part case, authored by Aradhna Krishna and Dana Muir, provides the opportunity to engage students in an examination of how cross-cultural considerations can affect managerial, legal, operational, and corporate social responsibility decision-making. The cases present two, non-profit organizations — one in the U.S. and one in India. Both organizations are focused on food redistribution but each faces different challenges based on cultural, legal, and logistical issues.

Cases A, B, and C are rolled out in a single class session. Students are given Cases A and B to read before class (including watching the video that accompanies Case B). Case C is handed out in class.



Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Compare cross-cultural constraints and understand that the expectations in one country are not superior to those of another country, even thought the expectations are quite different.
  • Evaluate the implications of regulation for efficient operations.
  • Consider how to motivate employees and volunteers in a resource-constrained environment.