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Don Scavia

Graham Family Professor of Environmental Sustainability; Director, Graham Sustainability Institute, University of Michigan

Don Scavia has a dual role as special counsel to the U-M president for sustainability and as the director of the Graham Sustainability Institute, where he leads the university on the sustainability frontier. He serves as an advisor to executive officers and the president; the primary contact for students working on sustainability issues; and a facilitator of discussion, planning, and coordination of a full range of education, research, and operational sustainability activities campus-wide. A recent example is his oversight of the university’s Integrated Assessment project focused on integrating operations and academics in the development of stretch goals for the campus for carbon emissions, water use, transportation and other areas related to sustainability.

Author of more than 135 peer-reviewed scientific articles, editor of 2 books, and 30 interdisciplinary assessments and policy papers, Scavia is the recipient of numerous awards, including two best paper of the year awards from the Journal of Great Lakes Research and, most recently, appointment to the National Academy of Sciences Rountable on Science and Technology for Sustainability. He holds Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees in Environmental Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the University of Michigan.

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U.S. Farm Bill: Balancing Hypoxia-Related Interests
It is 2013 and the U.S. Farm Bill is up for a vote. Senate staffer Sally Davis is reviewing the e-mails, news reports, Twitter feeds, and opinion pieces coming in…
Publication Date: 08/19/2013 Product ID: 1-429-346